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  • How do I cancel my order?
    If for any reason, you need to cancel your order, please email us immediately. Orders must be cancelled the same business day the order was placed.
  • Do you accept returns?
    Due to the nature of our products, only unopened packages will be accepted for return within 10 days of the order being shipped. If your order has been shipped but has not yet been received: - Please email us as soon as possible at, and again when your items arrives. - Mark your package "Return to Sender" and pop it back in the mail. PLEASE DO NOT OPEN YOUR PACKAGE (the box or envelope it was shipped in). If the package has been opened, we have to consider it tampered with, for the safety of our customers, and cannot accept your return.
  • What type of packaging do you use?
    To ensure and preserve freshness, herbs and teas are weighed and packaged only after the order is placed. All of our teas, fruits, flowers and herbs are packaged in reusable tins or bags that are: FDA approved food safe and resealable BPA free 100% recyclable
  • What does my order fulfillment timeframe look like?
    Orders placed before 1:00 PM (Central Standard Time) will be processed and shipped within 2 business days, though there may be slight delays during major holidays.
  • How will my order be shipped?
    Most orders are shipped via USPS or UPS, though larger orders may be sent through FedEx. This helps us ensure quick processing, flat rate shipping, and provides tracking and insurance on every order, regardless of size.
  • What are your shipping rates?
    Flat Rate Shipping for $8.00—no minimum order required! Free Shipping when you spend $75 or more! Free local delivery if you reside within a 5 mile radius of Marion, Iowa.
  • How do I know my payment method is secure?
    The security of your financial information is our top priority. That's why we only use a web host that provides us an up to date SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate, ensuring an encrypted connection between a web browser and a web server at all times. Additionally, we never store your card information and we only use payment processors that adhere to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS).
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